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Monday, December 2    Registration 1:00pm - 6:00pm
1:00pm - 6:00pm Registration Open
Tuesday, December 3    Registration 7:00am - 6:00pm
Breakout Sessions Digital Transformation:
Connected Devices, Private Networks, AI and ML, Big Data and Analytics, Cybersecurity, Connectivity
Urban Operations:
Waste and Water Management, Sustainability, Lighting Systems, Emergency Response
Smart Mobility:
Transportation Systems, Public Transit
Urban Infrastructure:
Grid and Energy Management, Resilience
8:30 - 9:20 Where There's Fire, There's Smoke. Using AI and Digital Twins to Prepare for Climate Change Enhancing Community Preparedness and Resilience through Community Lifelines Emergency Management: How Solar and Electric Vehicles can Help Cities Become Energy Ready and Resilient A P3 Model for Smart Cities: Integrating Technologies and Cyber Protections
9:25 - 10:15 Clearing the Fog: Navigating and Securing Cloud Environments Smart Tech for Waste and Recycling The Future of Fleet Leadership & Innovation: Bridging the #FleetGap at Smart Cities Kicking Inefficiency to the Curb: How Cities Are Reinventing Valuable Curb Real Estate
10:15 - 10:30
Coffee Break   sponsored by:  UPtime by SHzoom
10:30 - 12:00 Smart Cities Connect Keynotes:
  • Opening Remarks: Welcome from the City of Austin
  • Demystifying the AI Journey for Cities
  • Knitting the Network Together: Regional Nodes to State Digital Inclusion
  • Improving Urban Mobility: Insights from Cincinnati
12:00 - 1:15 Lunch (on own)
Breakout Sessions Digital Transformation:
Connected Devices, Private Networks, AI and ML, Big Data and Analytics, Cybersecurity, Connectivity
Urban Operations:
Waste and Water Management, Sustainability, Lighting Systems, Emergency Response
Smart Mobility:
Transportation Systems, Public Transit
Urban Infrastructure:
Grid and Energy Management, Resilience
1:15 - 2:05 Digital Identity: Smart City Applications Meeting Residents and Tourists Where They Are: Multi-channel Engagement for Inclusive Experiences City Spotlights:
  • City of Topeka
  • City of San Antonio
  • City of Austin
  • City of Cincinnati
Activating Multiple Smart Energy, Water & City Solutions Under a Shared Network Canopy
2:10 - 3:00 What About Our Routers? A Critical Cybersecurity Threat Lurking in Plain Sight The Next Generation Transmission: Lighting and Reliability Transforming Urban Mobility with Integrated Fleet Management Systems The EV Imperative: Accelerating Charging Infrastructure Rollout with AI
2:00 - 6:00 Expo Open
Wednesday, December 4    Registration 7:00am - 6:00pm
Breakout Sessions Digital Transformation:
Connected Devices, Private Networks, AI and ML, Big Data and Analytics, Cybersecurity, Connectivity
Urban Operations:
Waste and Water Management, Sustainability, Lighting Systems, Emergency Response
Smart Mobility:
Transportation Systems, Public Transit
Community Engagement:
Policy, Governance and Resident Engagement, Funding
8:30 - 9:20 The Security of Things Smart Lighting Platform Advancements from Zhaga-D4i, Sensors, to Public Wi-Fi Open Market Mobility: Delivering Improved Customer Experience and Data-Driven Planning Building Trust Through Technology
9:25 - 10:15 City Spotlights:
  • City of Calgary
  • City of Kansas City
  • City of Cleveland
  • City of Chapel Hill
  • City of Topeka
Transforming Cities with AI: The Future of Urban Management DFW Metroplex Case Study: Revolutionizing Metroplex Deliveries with Drones and Community Engagement Build Smarter with Cooperative Purchasing
10:15 - 10:30
Coffee Break   sponsored by:  ACT
10:30 - 12:00 Smart Cities Connect Keynotes:
  • Impact of AI on Ongoing City Operations
  • Too Hot To Handle: Technologies and Organizational Structures to Help Manage the Impacts of Rising Temperature
  • Building a Risk Resilient Smart City
  • The Road to San Antonio 2025: A Preview of SCC San Antonio
10:30 - 11:30 Smart Cities-Smart Bases:
Overview of Challenges and Opportunities Facing Smart Cities and Smart Bases
11:30 - 12:15 Smart Cities-Smart Bases:
Challenge I
  • Boomerang Aero Ventures
  • govPanel
  • Tempest Droneworx
  • Aerodefense LLC
  • Ecosystem Informatics USA Corp.
12:00 - 1:15 Lunch (on own)
2:00 - 6:00 Expo Open
Breakout Sessions Digital Transformation:
Connected Devices, Private Networks, AI and ML, Big Data and Analytics, Cybersecurity, Connectivity
Urban Operations / Infrastructure:
Waste and Water Management, Sustainability, Lighting Systems, Emergency Response, Grid and Energy Management, Resilience
Urban Infrastructure:
Grid and Energy Management, Resilience
Community Engagement:
Policy, Governance and Resident Engagement, Funding
1:15 - 2:05 IoT Smart EDGE Solutions The Future of "Protect and Serve": AI's Role in Public Safety Low-Income Clean Energy For All Building Greener Tech Hubs: Harnessing IoT, AI, and SEP Licensing for a Sustainable Future
1:30 - 2:15 Smart Cities-Smart Bases:
Challenge II
  • Metropolitan Technologies
  • CiperSonic Labs, Inc.
  • Genesis Systems
  • GTC Analytics
2:10 - 3:00 Privacy & Transparency: Building confidence in smart city deployments Enhancing Public Safety through Advanced Video Analytics and Command Centers The Tale of Three Agencies: The Path to a Smart City Through Collaboration From Small Beginnings to Award-Winning: The Sacramento Story of Redefining Community Engagement in a Real Way
2:30 - 3:15 Smart Cities-Smart Bases:
Challenge III
  • AlumaPower Corporation
  • National Energy USA
  • Global Connective Center
  • Phoenix Waste Solutions, Inc.
3:30 - 4:15 Smart Cities-Smart Bases:
Winner Announcement
2:00 - 6:00 Expo Open
Thursday, December 5    Registration 9:00am - 1:00pm
Breakout Sessions Digital Transformation:
Connected Devices, Private Networks, AI and ML, Big Data and Analytics, Cybersecurity, Connectivity
Urban Operations / Infrastructure:
Waste and Water Management, Sustainability, Lighting Systems, Emergency Response, Grid and Energy Management, Resilience
Community Engagement:
Policy, Governance and Resident Engagement, Funding
9:00 - 9:55 An Ethical AI Research Showcase City Spotlights:
  • City of Austin
  • City of McKInney
  • City of Houston
  • City of Raleigh
Addressing Community Violence Through An "All Hearts On Deck" Approach
10:00 - 10:55 What to do with all your data? An interactive discussion of how to handle data produced by IoT devices and other Smart City sources Data-Driven Cities – Leveraging AI and Informatics for Sustainable and Resilient Urban Futures City Spotlights:
  • City of Lexington
  • City of Arlington
  • City of Sacramento
11:00 - 11:55 Smarter Cities, Better Lives: The Power of AI Breaking the Permitting Bottleneck: How Modern Digital Plan Review is Transforming Planning & Development in America's Fastest Growing Cities

AI for Good in Smart Cities

12:10 - 2:30
Smart City Living Lab Tour  
In Partnership with

This is a preliminary Day-At-A-Glance for Smart Cities Connect in Austin for planning purposes. Some of the sessions represented are not formally accepted and are subject to change.


Monday December 02, 2024

12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Lone Star Ballroom Lobby


Tuesday December 03, 2024

7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Lone Star Ballroom Lobby


8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Room 303

Where There’s Fire, There’s Smoke. Using AI and Digital Twins to Prepare for Climate Change

Imagine a city that can predict traffic jams before they happen, optimize energy use based on real-time weather data and even warn residents about how a nearby fire might spread. What once sounded futuristic is now on the horizon thanks in part to a collaboration between researchers, City staff and community members. The group started out by focusing on fire and smoke mitigation in Austin's wildland-urban interface. Based on community input and co-creation, the AI tool combines real-time data on fires, buildings and weather to predict smoke dispersion and issue early warnings, particularly crucial in the complex WUI environment. Using AI and real-time data, the initiative emphasizes ethical considerations and community engagement, aiming to shape more sustainable and equitable urban environments as urbanization increases.

Marc Coudert, Climate Adaptation & Resilience Manager, City of Austin (Moderator)
Jungfeng Jiao, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin (Speaker)
Justice Jones, Wildfire Mitigation Officer, Austin Fire Department (Speaker)
Eleanor Allain, Emergency Plans Officer, Austin Public Health (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Room 304

Enhancing Community Preparedness and Resilience through Community Lifelines

The unprecedented, diverse, and unpredictable challenges that communities contend with today require leaders to have access to the authoritative data they need to make informed resource decisions to improve preparedness and resilience. The Community Lifeline construct created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency which focuses on assessing the status of the critical services and assets is an important starting point to understand the health of a community. This presentation will highlight how communities can use the no-cost Community Lifeline Status System (CLSS) tool developed by G&H International Services on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate to enable decision makers assess critical sector impacts—transportation, communication, healthcare, energy, and water— in order to make smarter and more informed decisions. The presentation will feature a walkthrough of the system and panel discussion to include the State of Maryland Emergency Management, the Town of Cary; and a senior technology advisor facilitated by G&H International. Participants will gain direct insights into how strategic planning, resource allocation, and community engagement strengthen lifelines, enabling a coordinated and data informed response to emergencies as well as how to use it to help build safe, smart, and resilient communities. By the end, participants will understand how to better operationalize locally focused Community Lifelines creating a resilient foundation for communities, fostering collective abilities to withstand and recover from the challenges of today and those of the future.

Mike Dossett, VP of Strategic Partnerships, G&H International Services (Moderator)
Russell Strickland, Secretary of Emergency Management, State of Maryland (Speaker)
Ron Langhelm, Community & Infrastructure Resilience Program Manager, Department of Homeland Security S&T Office of Mission Capability Support (Speaker)
Dan Ault, Assistant Town Manager/Chief Innovation Officer, Town of Cary (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Lone Star H

How Residential Solar, Energy Storage and Electric Vehicles Can Create a Resilient Grid and Improve Disaster Recovery

As natural disasters increase and cause extensive damage, leaving residents without power, emergency management teams struggle to create a cohesive plan that integrates renewable energy options. By streamlining processes to deploy solar and electric vehicle infrastructure, it will help cities empower residents to install solar/battery systems and purchase electric vehicles. Renewable solutions can help cities become more resilient and able to respond during natural disasters to protect their residents and business owners, through solar and storage microgrids, virtual power plants, and vehicle to building applications. Cities need to find new electricity to serve rapidly rising load growth. And they need to do it while lowering energy costs — especially given that many homeowners can't afford to pay their power bills. Distributed energy resources, or DERs, are collections of solar panels, batteries (including those in EVs), connected devices and appliances, and gas generators. They’re spread among homes and buildings and configured as highly resilient microgrids. When trees fall on transmission lines, these systems continue to create power and keep people and communities safe.

Brandy O'Quinn, Program Director, Interstate Renewable Energy Council (Moderator)
Buzz Smith, Interim Executive Director, Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance (TxETRA) (Speaker)
Ed Gilliland, Senior Director, Interstate Renewable Energy Council (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Lone Star G

A P3 Model for Smart Cities: Integrating Technologies and Cyber Protections

Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) have traditionally focused on delivering new physical assets or optimizing existing ones through innovative technologies and automation. However, in the digital age, the scope of P3s is expanding to encompass new data infrastructures essential for a thriving digital economy and business development. This panel session will explore how the P3 model can be leveraged to deploy, operate, and modernize advanced technologies, automation, and cybersecurity, all with minimal initial capital investment and long-term operating agreements with technology vendors.

Sam Johnson, CEO, Civint (Moderator)
David Gilford, Head of Policy, Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners (Speaker)
Lucian L. Niemeyer, CEO, Building Cyber Security (Speaker)

9:25 AM - 10:15 AM
Room 303

Clearing the Fog: Navigating and Securing Cloud Environments

A panel discussion focused on cybersecurity in city environments will delve into the critical issues surrounding digital infrastructure, data protection, and the growing cyber threats faced by urban areas. Experts from cybersecurity, local governance, and technology sectors would join forces to discuss how cities can safeguard themselves in an increasingly digital world. Key discussion topics: - Protecting Smart City Technologies: As cities implement smart infrastructure—such as intelligent traffic systems, IoT devices, and public service networks—the need for robust cybersecurity protocols to prevent breaches and system disruptions becomes paramount. - Securing Critical Infrastructure: Panelists would discuss strategies to secure essential urban infrastructure, including water supply systems, electricity grids, transportation networks, and public health systems from cyberattacks. - Data Privacy and Citizen Protection: With the massive amounts of data collected by urban systems, the discussion would highlight the importance of protecting citizen information and ensuring privacy amidst smart city advancements.

Holly Davis, CEO, Komplement Consulting (Moderator)
Eric Morin, Vice President of Global Sales, SonicWall (Speaker)
Ken Fletcher, Founder and CEO, Quarterhorse Technology Inc. (Speaker)

9:25 AM - 10:15 AM
Room 304

Smart Tech for Waste and Recycling

Explore how cutting-edge technology is transforming waste and recycling operations. This panel will showcase the latest innovations in smart waste management systems, including route optimization, real-time data analytics, and sensor-based solutions. Experts from the City of Austin, TX, will discuss how these technologies can increase efficiency, reduce operational costs, and improve sustainability. Attendees will gain insights into the future of waste management and recycling, and learn how smart cities are leveraging technology to enhance service delivery and environmental outcomes.

Heather Siegel, City Account Manager, Routeware (Moderator)
Keri Greenwalt, Public Information and Marketing Manager, Austin Resource Recovery (Speaker)
Landre Wilson, IT Applications Analyst Sr., Austin Resource Recovery (Speaker)

9:25 AM - 10:15 AM
Lone Star H

The Future of Fleet Leadership & Innovation: Bridging the #FleetGap at Smart Cities

Join industry leaders at this impactful session to address the urgent challenges in fleet management. Ingrid Cook Moravitz, CEO of SHzoom Technologies, will open the day with a focus on workforce gaps, leadership, and the future of fleet operations, setting the stage for innovative solutions and collaboration. An Innovation Fireside Chat will highlight the success of SHzoom’s Uptime technology, which has cut repair costs by 25% and reduced crash-related downtime by 47% in government fleets. Learn from real-world examples of fleets driving operational excellence. The Leadership Roundtable will tackle talent shortages, with practical strategies for attracting and retaining skilled professionals. Hear about the 'Hire My Heroes' initiative, which connects transitioning service members to fleet careers.

Ingrid Cook Moravitz, CEO, SHzoom Technologies, Inc. (Moderator)
MSgt Cesar Hernandez, Vehicle Management Superintendent for the 11th Logistics Readiness Squadron, United States Air Force (Speaker)
Mike Camnetar, President, National Association of Fleet Administrators (Speaker)
Cedric Roberts, Fleet Director, City of Birmingham (Speaker)
Matthew Booco, VP of Service & Training, SHzoom (Speaker)
Firmin Maurice IV, Fleet Director, City of Pittsburgh (Speaker)

9:25 AM - 10:15 AM
Lone Star G

Kicking Inefficiency to the Curb: How Cities Are Reinventing Valuable Curb Real Estate

Most well-run cities have put focus on water, energy, waste, highways, and parks, because everyone agrees they are essential pieces of infrastructure that need to be managed. Cities and utilities work diligently to balance supply and demand, see to maintenance, and adapt when the needs of a community change. But there is one other critical component of urban infrastructure that has been left behind: the curb. The curb is adjacent to every activity that happens in the urban core. It can be a cornerstone of city planning, business development, connectivity, and community. In this session learn how forward-thinking cities are: - Digitizing their curb asset inventory to monitor curb utilization amongst competing entitles like, delivery vehicles, ride shares and parking - Understanding how the curb is impacting traffic, mobility, and safety commerce - Using technology to proactively manage curb policies to create a safer, more prosperous urban ecosystem Walk away with the tools to create a strategy for better managing your curb in your city.

Jordan Weiss, VP of Marketing, Umojo (Moderator)
Stephane Adovelande, Regional Vice President, LAZ Parking (Speaker)
Kevin Uhlenhaker, CEO and Publisher, Parking Today Media (Speaker)

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Main Lonestar Ballroom Hallway

Coffee Break

Sponsored by Uptime by Shzoom

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Lone Star E

Smart Cities Connect Keynotes

10:30 AM - 10:35 AM
Lone Star E

Welcome from the City of Austin

Opening remarks from City of Austin Council Member Vanessa Fuentes

Vanessa Fuentes, City Council Member, City of Austin (Speaker)

10:35 AM - 11:00 AM
Lone Star E

Demystifying the AI Journey for Cities

Artificial intelligence is transforming the way cities operate, manage, and deliver services to their citizens. AI can help cities leverage the vast amounts of data they collect to generate insights, improve decision-making, and enhance efficiency. However, many cities face challenges in adopting and implementing AI solutions, such as lack of skills, resources, governance, and trust. The US Mayoral RoundTable, together with Dell Technologies and NVIDIA, explore how cities can overcome these barriers and embark on a successful AI journey.

George Burciaga, Managing Partner, US Mayoral Roundtable (Moderator)
Honorable Michael Hancock, Former Mayor of the City of Denver, CO, (Speaker)
Honorable Steve Adler, Former Mayor, City of Austin (Speaker)
Jumbi Edulbehram, Global Business Development, Smart Cities and Spaces, NVIDIA (Speaker)
Randy Lack, General Manager Global Industries, Computer Vision AI, Dell Technologies (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:07 AM
Lone Star E

Coming Soon: The Security of Things

Chelsea Collier, Editor-at-Large, Smart Cities Connect Media & Research (Moderator)
Dasha Davies, CISO & President, Stealth ISS Group, Inc. (Speaker)

11:07 AM - 11:32 AM
Lone Star E

Knitting the Network Together: Regional Nodes to State Digital Inclusion

Like all ‘sticky’ problems, digging both deep and broad while collaborating across sectors and jurisdictions is non-negotiable, but can feel impossible. This panel brings together broadband experts from across Texas, representing multiple levels of government agencies, to discuss the integration of infrastructure, policy, and equity in broadband initiatives. Attendees will gain insights into the strategies employed to foster collaboration and the practical solutions implemented to bridge the digital divide. The session will delve into these leaders' successes and ongoing challenges, providing a comprehensive understanding of how regional nodes can effectively contribute to state-wide digital inclusion.

Jennifer Sanders, Executive Director, North Texas Innovation Alliance (Moderator)
Lillian Painter, Broadband Manager, City of Fort Worth (Speaker)
Genesis Gavino, Assistant City Manager, City of Austin (Speaker)
Connor Sadro, Broadband Program Director, Deep East Texas Council of Governments (Speaker)
Karmenly Alegria, Director of Operations, Dallas Innovation Alliance (Speaker)

11:32 AM - 12:00 PM
Lone Star E

Improving Urban Mobility: Insights from Cincinnati

Join Cincinnati City Manager Sheryl Long for an engaging fireside chat, as she delves into the city’s latest mobility initiatives aimed at improving urban transportation. Learn how Cincinnati has enhanced connectivity, reduced congestion, and created more walkable neighborhoods.

Frank Gruber, Co-CEO & Co-Founder, Established® & Established Ventures (Moderator)  (@FrankGruber)
Sheryl Long, City Manager, City of Cincinnati (Speaker)

12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Lunch (on own)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 303

Digital Identity: Smart City Applications

Introduction to the topic of Digital Identity Applications of how it may apply to Dual Purpose Smart City Uses Cases. Attendees will walk away with a broad understanding of the History of Digital Identity, Current State and Synergies for Citizens, Municipalities, Connected Vehicles/Infrastructure, and more.

Jared Hubbard, Vice President, Operations and General Counsel, Scytáles (Moderator)
David Payne, Senior Manager, Digital Identity, Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division (Speaker)
Simo Karppinen, VP Products, Scytáles Finland (Speaker)
Jan-Olof Andersson, Product Manager eID, Scania Group (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 304

Meeting Residents and Tourists Where They Are: Multi-channel Engagement for Inclusive Experiences

Cities are revolutionizing resident and tourist engagement through multi-channel access points—meeting people wherever they are, be it mobile apps, phone support, or kiosks. Digital humans take this a step further, offering personalized, interactive guidance in transit hubs, airports, and popular sites. They’re more than guides; they’re storytellers, helping visitors feel welcomed and connected by sharing real-time insights on landmarks, events, and the city’s cultural heart. Picture a seamless journey where travelers begin their exploration from home or on mobile, get instant help from a digital human upon arrival, and flow effortlessly into the city’s physical environment—blending virtual and real-life interactions to create memorable city experiences. Through partnerships with travel platforms, mapping services, local businesses, and cultural hubs, cities can enrich these interactions with the latest information, making every moment in the city feel connected and comprehensive.

John Rohrer, VP Enterprise Sales, AI Platform Leader, AMSYS (Moderator)
Jumbi Edulbehram, Global Business Development Director, Smart Cities and Spaces, NVIDIA (Speaker)
Melissa Kraft, CIO, City of Frisco, TX (Speaker)
Jacque Istok, Field CTO, AMSYS (Speaker)
Bill Pugh, Co-Founder, Smart Connections Consulting (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Lone Star H

City Spotlights: Smart Mobility

Hear how mobility solutions are shaping the future of smart cities. This panel of city leaders and innovators will discuss their mobility priorities and the biggest challenges they are facing in transforming urban mobility.

Chris Foreman, CEO, (Moderator)
Quinn Cole, Management Analyst, City of Topeka (Speaker)
Rachel Castignoli, Senior Consultant, Smart Mobility, City of Austin Transportation and Public Works (Speaker)
Sheryl Long, City Manager, City of Cincinnati (Speaker)
Dr. Marcus Peoples Jr., Portfolio Program Manager, VIA Office of Technology & Innovation, City of San Antonio (Speaker)
Malyiah Finch, Management Analyst, Public Works, City of Topeka (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Lone Star G

Activating Multiple Smart Energy, Water & City Solutions Under a Shared Network Canopy

More than 80% of U.S. households have a smart meter, embedded with wireless communication technologies. While most of these meters are electric, the modern networks they form often encompass multiple municipalities and towns. Once installed, this multi-purpose network infrastructure can then be leveraged by many city departments to enable a variety of use cases. Similarly, the rapid adoption of LED and smart streetlights is creating additional opportunities for shared networks to enable solutions like leak detection, flood sensing, and wastewater management at a fraction of the time and cost of stand-alone systems. Join this session to learn how cities and utilities can collaborate to share intelligently connected network infrastructure investments to increase ROI while addressing their unique (and sometimes shared) challenges. Presenters will share their experiences in navigating both business and technical considerations for shared networks to make access to modern energy and water management solutions affordable and practical for communities of all sizes.

Grant Samms, Senior Consultant, Guidehouse Insights (Moderator)
Alysse Swientek, Civic Partnership Manager, CPS Energy (Speaker)
Matthew Lewellyn, Director of Field Operations, San Antonio Water System (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 303

What About Our Routers? A Critical Cybersecurity Threat Lurking in Plain Sight

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that in cybersecurity, the criminals and malicious hackers are now the least our worries. We are now facing persistent, well organized and resourced, strategically planned and executed efforts by hostile nation state actors such as the PRC and Russia to systematically compromise and attack our infrastructure, businesses, economy and society. As bad as things are already, the situation is rapidly getting worse. AI is exponentially increasing the scale, breadth & sophistication of attacks; and meanwhile we have connected all manner of critical smart, dumb, legacy devices in our workplaces, factories, homes – even our bodies – to the Internet. The heads of the NSA and FBI testified to Congress on the urgency and gravity of this threat last summer, warning that the PRC was “poised to wreak havoc” on our critical infrastructure and digital economy. We have seen the nation respond in the area of Microchips and to specific threat actors such as Huawei and Tik Tok. Yet, the single greatest threat has remained mostly ignored: over 90% of our routers are manufactured in China - and many if not most come either pre-compromised or with deliberate vulnerabilities. Virtually every major vendor in the Enterprise market have experienced this directly and the situation with consumer and SMB routers is even worse. The ROUTERS Act (H.R. 7589) proposes to bring funding and focus for the first time on this critical issue, but ’studies’ and ‘recommendations’ will take years to see any meaningful action. The panel will examine extent and gravity of the vulnerabilities and compromises woven into our networking equipment and the urgent need to reshore router manufacturing and supply chain - most especially microchips - to enhance national security. It will also explore the enormous economic benefits that can be reaped, outline necessary requirements for this transition, and identify short-term solutions to mitigate associated threats.

Geoff Halstead, Chief Product Officer, Faction Networks (Moderator)
Cully Patch, Senior Program Manager for Cybersecurity and Intelligence, Quanterion Solutions Incorporated (Speaker)
John Weiler, CEO & CIO, IT-AAC (Speaker)
Ryan Gillen, Leahy Center Manager | Adjunct Professor, Leahy Center for Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity & Champlain College (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 304

The Next Generation Transmission: Lighting and Reliability

Don’t miss this special session with the Lower Colorado River Authority, Austin Energy, the City of Austin, and Ubicquia sharing insights on what’s happening, private LTE and the coming trends and services in the next generation of both streetlighting lighting and grid reliability for munis and CoOps.

Chelsea Collier, Editor-at-Large, Smart Cities Connect Media & Research (Moderator)
Joe Walsh, Smart Grid & Systems Operations, Austin Energy (Speaker)
Erik Anderson, Vice President, Business Development, Lower Colorado River Authority (Speaker)
Charlie Nobles, Vice President of Business Development, Ubicquia, Inc. (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Lone Star H

Transforming Urban Mobility with Integrated Fleet Management Systems

This panel will explore how advanced fleet management technologies are revolutionizing urban transportation. By empowering operators with real-time control, monitoring, and online management tools, these systems optimize vehicle deployment, service frequency, and passenger capacity. Simultaneously, transit authorities benefit from centralized oversight through GPS tracking. We will delve into the challenges of implementation, the potential opportunities, and the positive impact on efficiency, accessibility, and sustainability. Case studies and innovative solutions will provide practical insights for building a better public transportation system.

Beatriz Gago, US Sales Specialist Smart Cities & Mobility, SONDA (Moderator)
Maurizio Rinaldi, CEO, SONDA (Speaker)
Alan Rabinovich, WW ThinkEdge Business Leader, Lenovo (Speaker)
Andrew Skabowski, EVP & Chief Operating Officer, CapMetro (Speaker)
Prakash Kartha, Transportation Infrastructure GM, Intel Corporation (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Lone Star G

The EV Imperative: Accelerating Charging Infrastructure Rollout with AI

Even as electric-vehicle sales continue to rise – 20% year on year, per the latest projections – cities are struggling to roll out the EV charging infrastructure needed to meet demand and enable their vision of a more-sustainable, electrified future. City leaders must answer pressing questions about where to build charging stations, how to prioritize locations and rollout plans, and ways they can more effectively manage a power grid that’s already at (or beyond) capacity. They also need to address CapEx and profitability considerations. The combination of AI and digital twins offers some fast, effective paths forward. How are city leaders addressing the EV infrastructure imperative? What steps are being taken to address citizens’ demands and grid considerations? Learn some practical steps city managers can take on both a day-to-day and strategic planning level.

Matthew Panszczyk, Managing Director of Energy & Utilities, Sand Technologies (Moderator)
Amy Atchley, EV Equity Development Manager, Austin Energy (Speaker)
Jigar Shah, Director of Energy Services, Electrify America (Speaker)

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Griffin Hall

Expo Program and Reception

Wednesday December 04, 2024

7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Lone Star Ballroom Lobby


8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Room 303

The Security of Things

By ‘Things’ we are talking about critical infrastructure, which includes Smart Cities according to DISA. This panel will cover the obvious – physical and cyber security - but will also discuss lesser- appreciated topics such as risk assessments, emergency preparedness, data privacy, the impact of AI, policy development, and community involvement.

Chelsea Collier, Editor-at-Large, Smart Cities Connect Media & Research (Moderator)
Dasha Davies, CISO & President, Stealth ISS Group, Inc. (Speaker)
Robert Davies, CEO, Stealth ISS Group, Inc. (Speaker)
Dean Iniss, Senior Consultant, Dynamic Strategic Consulting (Speaker)
Paddy Parvin, Board Advisor, Executive & Non-Executive Engineering & Safety, Total Security Global (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Room 304

Smart Lighting Platform Advancements from Zhaga-D4i, Sensors, to Public Wi-Fi

Hear from leading industry experts about critical technology advancements, new standards, security considerations, and benefits that are transforming the way cities work and the value they can deliver to their constituents. The panel will examine the latest developments in smart street lights, sensors and high-speed wireless connectivity, as well as other related technologies including public Wi-Fi. Gain exposure to panelist success stories regarding leading smart city projects that are delivering value. By attending this session you will take away a set of considerations to enable you to put in place the technology foundation and long-term strategy to scale your smart city efforts for maximal success.

Scott McCarley, Product Manager, Connected Outdoor Solutions, Genlyte Solutions a Signify Company (Moderator)
Harry Meier, Deputy CIO of Innovation, City of Mesa, AZ (Speaker)
John Holden, Smart City Manager, City of Raleigh (Speaker)
Kevin Fitzmaurice, Manager of Product and Customer Training, SESCO Lighting (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Lone Star H

Open Market Mobility: Delivering Improved Customer Experience and Data-Driven Planning

Mobility is critical for the character of communities and has a significant impact on the livelihoods of residents. While technology has improved the transportation experience for buses, bikes, and shoes, the digital transformation of parking continues to be in a nascent state. The conflict for attention by providers’ sporadic app integrations creates avoidable driver confusion and frustration. Customers increasingly expect connected experiences and a multi-service, open market approach that provides increased choice and streamlined operations as the future of digital parking. Municipalities looking to build smarter, efficient planning departments can utilize centralized consumer behavior data to develop long-term strategy and informed policy decisions with reduced cost and complexity.

Dave Holler, Vice President of Distribution, ParkMobile (Moderator)
Brooke Krieger, Regional Sales Director, ParkMobile (Speaker)
Madison Huemmer, Head of Market Transformation, ParkMobile (Speaker)

8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Lone Star G

Building Trust Through Technology

Based on the findings from CivicPlus' extensive US national survey spanning two-years worth of work, CivicPlus Vice President of Market Research, Brenden Elwood, will talk through the findings, and offer considerations and implications regarding "The Link Between Technology, Government Transparency, and Resident Trust." Speaking from experience as both a professional researcher and his 14+ years of service as an elected official, Mr. Elwood will contextualize the data through the lens of his real world experiences as a current city councilmember and former park's commissioner, with the goal to help others think of ways to transform resident interactions and boost confidence in local administrations.

Brendan Elwood, Vice President of Market Research, CivicPlus (Moderator)

9:25 AM - 10:15 AM
Room 303

City Spotlights: Digital Transformation

Cities share what it means to remain relevant, safe, and invested in a time of digital transformation. Hear about the unique challenges and opportunities facing city leaders and what the future may hold for connected communities.

Andrew Watkins, President & COO, (Moderator)
Luis Moura, IT Program Manager – Smart Cities, City of Calgary (Speaker)
Josh Henges, Houseless Prevention Coordinator, City of Kansas City (Speaker)
Chris Butts, Chief Information Officer, City of Chapel Hill (Speaker)
Alleigh Weems, Senior Management Analyst, City of Topeka (Speaker)

9:25 AM - 10:15 AM
Room 304

Transforming Cities with AI: The Future of Urban Management

Discover how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping urban landscapes by revolutionizing data management and service optimization. This panel will delve into groundbreaking AI applications that uncover hidden patterns, streamline city services, and empower decision-makers. Join us to explore how a unified, intelligent data framework can elevate city planning and leadership, paving the way for smarter, more efficient cities.

Ruthbea Yesner, Vice President, Government Insights, Education, Transportation and Smart Cities Practice, IDC (Moderator)
Michael Shepherd, Sr Distinguished Engineer, Chief Technology Office, Dell Technologies (Speaker)
Jumbi Edulbehram, Global Business Development Director, Smart Cities and Spaces, NVIDIA (Speaker)
Michael Sherwood, Director of Technology and Innovation, City of Las Vegas (Speaker)

9:25 AM - 10:15 AM
Lone Star H

Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Case Study: Revolutionizing Metroplex Deliveries with Drones and Community Engagement

The speakers will explore the transformative potential of drone technology in reshaping delivery services within the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. It will highlight the significant time savings and increased convenience drone delivery offers, potentially saving households 39 hours annually. Also focussing on the broader social benefits: reduced road traffic, fewer accidents, and lower emissions. Plus enhancing accessibility for underserved communities by providing better access to food, medicines, and other essentials. *Understand the diverse needs and characteristics of the community; *Prioritizing early and ongoing education about drone delivery; *Engaging city stakeholders to identify optimal communication channels; *Illuminate the opportunities for local businesses to expand their reach and customer base through efficient drone delivery services; *Gaining widespread benefits and the importance of collaborative efforts with city officials to tailor drone deployment effectively across various municipalities

Kendal Prosack, Local Policy and Community Affairs Manager, Wing (Moderator)
Jason Cooley, Executive Director, Allen Community Development Corporation, City of Allen, TX (Speaker)

9:25 AM - 10:15 AM
Lone Star G

Build Smarter with Cooperative Purchasing

Harness the buying power of cooperative purchasing to quickly integrate information and communication technology (ICT) into your community. Accelerate data-driven growth and sustainable development by bypassing time-consuming procurement barriers to innovation. Regarded as a best practice for public entities, cooperative purchasing is your smart assistant to help build intelligent infrastructure. Sourcewell has been a trusted leader in cooperative purchasing contracts for more than 45 years. Most contracted products and services are delivered through a local dealer or representative to ease the public purchasing process and improve your future-forward community. Wondering where to start to enhance the quality of life back home? Start here with basic information about cooperative purchasing contracts from your government procurement partner, Sourcewell.

Maureen Knight, Director of Category Development, Sourcewell (Moderator)

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Main Lonestar Ballroom Hallway

Coffee Break

Sponsored by ACT | The App Association

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Lone Star E

Smart Cities Connect Keynotes

10:30 AM - 10:55 AM
Lone Star E

Impact of AI on Ongoing City Operations

City of Parkville, MO alderman Bob Bennett will moderate a panel with 3-4 city officials including an airport director implementing AI solutions at DFW, two city innovation leaders (City of Oklahoma City and City of Las Vegas) and a city transportation leader (DC) who share perspectives on how their departments are implementing AI into their operations. The panel will also include a representative from Routeware to offer their perspective.

Bob Bennett, Ward 2 Alderman, City of Parkville, MO (Moderator)
Kelly Williams, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Oklahoma City (Speaker)
Michael Sherwood, Director of Technology and Innovation, City of Las Vegas (Speaker)
Paul Puopolo, Executive Vice President of Innovation, Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (Speaker)
Paul Rafalowski, CEO, Routeware (Speaker)

10:55 AM - 11:20 AM
Lone Star E

Too Hot To Handle: Technologies and Organizational Structures to Help Manage the Impacts of Rising Temperature

We have experienced the hottest days on record this summer. Extreme heat impacts everyone, but it has much greater impact on those in urban areas without tree cover, parks and public pools, sufficient water, and an energy grid to handle increased electrical power. In addition, responding to extreme heat crosses all government departments and agencies from utilities to emergency management and policing to parks and recreation. This panel will explore ways cities are finding solutions to cope with this increasing problem from new positions (Chief Heat Officer, Chief Tree Officer, Chief Water Officer) to technology innovations.

Chelsea Collier, Editor-at-Large, Smart Cities Connect Media & Research (Moderator)
Mariela Alfonzo, CEO, State of Place (Speaker)
Ruthbea Yesner, Vice President, Government Insights, Education, Transportation and Smart Cities Practice, IDC (Speaker)
Marc Coudert, Climate Adaptation & Resilience Manager, City of Austin (Speaker)
Michael Hammett, Director, Office of Innovation, City of Phoenix (Speaker)

11:20 AM - 11:45 AM
Lone Star E

Building a Risk Resilient Smart City

As the implementation and complexity of smart city technologies increase across the country, connected communities face attacks on critical infrastructure due to their deployment of interconnected devices and systems. As a result, smart city managers, Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), Information Technology (IT) staff and vendors must adapt and respond to increased risks against these technologies and systems. Panelists will discuss cyber risks to smart city technologies through attack vectors such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and will focus on the threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences of these persistent threats. Panelists will share how best to mitigate risks through various mitigation strategies, including those outlined in the Cybersecurity Best Practices for Smart Cities guidance, a joint U.S. and international guide which provides best practices to help communities strengthen their cybersecurity posture.

Laura Hershon, Acting Branch Chief, Initiatives B, National Risk Management Center (NRMC), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) (Moderator)
Christian Lowry, Branch Chief and Risk Expert, Emerging Risk, NRMC, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) (Speaker)
Nelson Gonzalez, Assistant Innovation & Technology Director/CISO, City of Coral Gables (Speaker)

11:45 AM - 11:55 AM
Lone Star E

The Road to SCC San Antonio

A Preview of SCC San Antonio 2025

Geoffrey Urbach, Product and Partnerships Lead - Emerging Technology, City of San Antonio, Texas (Speaker)

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Lone Star F

Smart Cities-Smart Bases: Overview of challenges and opportunities facing smart cities and smart bases

Municipalities and military instillations are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks, natural and man-made disasters, and disruptions to energy, food, and water supply chains. This panel will discuss dual-use innovations in this space from industry, military, and government.

Emma Mooney, Project and Outreach Manager, ATI (Moderator)
Robb Reid, Chief Revenue Officer, Sourcewell (Speaker)
Scott Haase, Laboratory Program Manager, II-Partnership Development, NREL (Speaker)
Robert Davies, CEO, Stealth ISS (Speaker)

11:30 AM
Lone Star F

Defense TechConnect and OELS: Smart Cities-Smart Bases Innovation Challenge I

Presented by TechConnect, Advanced Technology International (ATI), and the RISE Consortium, the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Innovation Challenge delivers cutting-edge, dual-use technology pitches to address the overlapping technical, environmental, and security challenges facing both smart cities and smart bases.

Jennifer Rocha (Welcome Remarks), Strategic Partnerships, TechConnect Division, ATI (Welcome Remarks)
Boomerang Aero Ventures, (Challenge Presenter)
govPanel, (Challenge Presenter)
Tempest Droneworx, (Challenge Presenter)
Aerodefense LLC, (Challenge Presenter)
Ecosystem Informatics USA Corp., (Challenge Presenter)
Robb Reid, Chief Revenue Officer, Sourcewell (Review Panelist)
Scott Haase, Laboratory Program Manager, II-Partnership Development, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (Review Panelist)
Robert Davies, CEO, Stealth ISS (Review Panelist)
Mike Grigsby​​​​, Director, Business Development, Ubicquia (Review Panelist)
Michael Wu, Executive Director, RISE Consortium (Review Panelist)
Ruthbea Yesner, Vice President, Government Insights, Education, Smart Cities & Communities, IDC (Review Panelist)

12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Lunch (on own)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 303

IoT Smart EDGE Solutions

This panel will explore cutting-edge innovations in smart sensors, security cameras, communication systems, and central monitoring software. Topics include the latest in magnetic, vibration, and environmental sensors, high-resolution cameras with night vision and motion detection, real-time alert systems with wireless communication and GPS tracking, and integrated software solutions for event logging and seamless interface management. Discover how these technologies are enhancing situational awareness and security across various sectors.

Dimitrios Lalos, CEO, Marquee Wireless Solutions (Moderator)
David Brossette, Regional Sales Manager, Ericsson Enterprise Wireless (Speaker)
Frank Rodriguez, Director, Tektelic (Speaker)
Ewam de Freitas, Chief Product Officer, Veea Inc. (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Room 304

The Future of "Protect and Serve": AI's Role in Public Safety

According to the IMD Smart City Index Report, video cameras are the top technology to help residents feel safe. Yet if the footage recorded by those cameras isn't intelligently analyzed for threats or possible safety enhancements, residents' feeling may not be justified. Similarly, if police officers spend more than half of their time writing reports, as data suggests, how much are they actually "protecting and serving" residents through proactive patrols? Recent AI advancements are enabling city and police leaders to improve public safety in fascinating new ways. Join this session to explore new AI-enabled use cases for public safety, including: police departments using AI to create first-draft police reports in order to maximize their time spent policing the streets, and an AI chip capable of detecting drugs to help cities' drug- and crime-reduction efforts.

Asong Suh, Managing Director, Customer Solutions, Sand Technologies (Moderator)
Humphrey Chen, Co-Founder and CEO, CLIPr (Speaker)
Osh Agabi, CEO and Chairman, Koniku (Speaker)
John Hubbard, Police Captain, City of Bentonville (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Lone Star H

Low-Income Clean Energy For All

Recent legislation has emphasized that clean energy must directly support and benefit under-resourced communities. Between the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors Act (CHIPS), many projects and programs require consideration of environmental justice and energy equity. Companies and projects that apply for funding need to have a community benefits plan (to identify how a project is directly engaged with and directly benefits the community) and some of the benefits can only be used if projects are located in communities that are transitioning from coal, or that are economically disadvantaged. Join the National Renewable Energy Laboratory as we explore the opportunities and possibilities within EPA’s Solar For All program, best practices for CBPs, and other ways to create clean energy projects that directly support under-resourced communities.

Carishma Gokahle-Welch, Federal Sector Partnership Development Manager, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (Speaker)
Allison Smith, Project Manager, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (Speaker)
Sophia Winston, Energy Policy & Program Manager for the Office Resilience and Sustainability, City of New Orleans (Speaker)

1:15 PM - 2:05 PM
Lone Star G

Building Greener Tech Hubs: Harnessing IoT, AI, and SEP Licensing for a Sustainable Future

Imagine a world that is not only smarter but greener—urban landscapes seamlessly integrated with technology to optimize energy consumption, reduce carbon footprints, and enhance residents’ quality of life by cutting down on traffic to make an evening commute easier and safer. This vision is becoming a reality through the convergence of IoT, AI, and sustainable technology, driven by the innovation emerging from tech and talent hubs. Tech and talent hubs play a pivotal role in fostering the innovation needed for smart cities. By attracting a skilled workforce and providing supportive infrastructure, these hubs enable small businesses to thrive and drive the development of sustainable IoT and AI solutions. In this race to develop smarter, greener, and more connected urban environments, a discussion on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) standard-essential patent (SEP) licensing couldn’t come at a more impactful time. Our expert panelists will delve into the crucial realm of SEP licensing and sustainable smart city innovation. They will reveal how current licensing frameworks can either hinder or propel small businesses developing cutting-edge IoT and AI solutions for sustainable urban living. Through real-world smart city solutions—like smart grids, automated traffic management, and energy-efficient buildings—we’ll showcase the powerful synergy between advanced technology driven by small business innovation and environmental sustainability. Join us to understand the regulatory changes needed to support sustainable tech ecosystems and how city leadership can collaborate with industry innovators to build smarter, greener urban environments.

Priya Nair, Intellectual Property Manager, Innovators' Network Foundation (Moderator)
Noémie Billion, US Head of Development, Greenly (Speaker)
Caleb D. Williamson, State Public Policy Counsel, ACT | The App Association (Speaker)
Trish Thomas, Principal & Lead Strategist, Akamai Strategy (Speaker)
Kimberly W. LaGrue, Chief Information Officer, The City of New Orleans (Speaker)

1:30 PM
Lone Star F

Smart Cities-Smart Bases Innovation Challenge II

Presented by TechConnect, Advanced Technology International (ATI), and the RISE Consortium, the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Innovation Challenge delivers cutting-edge, dual-use technology pitches to address the overlapping technical, environmental, and security challenges facing both smart cities and smart bases.

Metropolitan Technologies, (Innovator)
CipherSonic Labs, Inc., (Innovator)
Genesis Systems, (Innovator)
AYON LLC, (Innovator)
GTC Analytics, (Innovator)
Robb Reid, Chief Revenue Officer, Sourcewell (Review Panelist)
Scott Haase, Laboratory Program Manager, II-Partnership Development, NREL (Review Panelist)
Robert Davies, CEO, Stealth ISS (Review Panelist)
Michael Wu, Executive Director, RISE Consortium (Review Panelist)
Ruthbea Yesner, Vice President, Government Insights, Education, Smart Cities & Communities, IDC (Review Panelist)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 303

Privacy & Transparency: Building Confidence in Smart City Deployments

Technologies are becoming ever-present in our cities, but can face backlash from residents because of privacy concerns. Fears of being tracked can inspire community resistance, legislative opposition, and conspiracy theories. Any city hoping to implement smart-city initiatives must find a way to do so that addresses these concerns, and builds privacy and transparency into the solution. This panel will gather three types of organizations to discuss how transparency solutions can generate public trust and support in smart city deployments. Included in this panel are: City of Calgary, Alberta; City of Dublin, Ohio; North Texas Innovation Alliance; Upciti: Provider of privacy by design computer vision sensors, deployed in Europe, Canada and the US. Involved in several transparency projects around the world; Helpful Places, advancing adoption of the Digital Trust for Places and Routines (DTPR) communication standard.

Jean-Baptiste Poljak, CEO, Upciti (Moderator)
Luis Moura, IT Program Manager – Smart Cities, City of Calgary (Speaker)
Asher Lipman, Product Development, Helpful Places (Speaker)
Jennifer Sanders, Executive Director, North Texas Innovation Alliance (Speaker)
Jean-Ellen Willis, Director of Transportation & Mobility, City of Dublin, OH (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Room 304

Enhancing Public Safety through Advanced Video Analytics and Command Centers

This panel will examine how AI video analytics and command centers are revolutionizing urban public safety. By harnessing advanced object detection, behavior analysis, and real-time alerts, AI empowers security teams to proactively identify and respond to potential threats. This session will explore successful implementations, the challenges of integrating these systems, and their impact on crime prevention and emergency response. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how these technologies are transforming command center operations and enhancing community safety.

Carlos Tamayo, Smart City SME, SONDA (Moderator)
Beatriz Gago, US Sales Specialist Smart Cities & Mobility, SONDA (Speaker)
James Mason, Assistant Chief of Police, City of Austin (Speaker)
Kenneth James, Channel Technical Sales Director, Lenovo (Speaker)
Jonathan Beam, Manager of Community Innovation, US Ignite (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Lone Star H

The Tale of Three Agencies: The Path to a Smart City Through Collaboration

A smart city thrives on regional collaboration, community-focused outcomes, and the integration of public and private solutions to enhance safety and operational efficiency. Austin, TX exemplifies this through the Central Texas Construction Partnership Program (CPP), a joint agency initiative aimed at maintaining safety, mobility, and public awareness during a decade-long construction project. With billions invested in the region, CPP partners balance individual project needs with broader coordination efforts. A key undertaking is TxDOT's generational project to reshape I-35 through downtown Austin, starting in 2025. The shared vision of CPP is twofold: maintain pre-construction service levels on I-35 during construction and improve worker safety. This vision materializes through various regional projects that consolidate data onto a common platform for user-friendly access via mobile apps and websites. The collaborative approach involves local agencies, private firms, and the University of Texas working together to achieve these goals while managing risks collectively—hallmarks of a smart city. The greatest challenge lies in fostering collaboration and aligning visions; technology implementation is comparatively straightforward. Join us for a roundtable discussion with the Austin regional team as they share their journey, funding strategies, approaches taken, and future plans for making Austin smarter.

Jodie Bare-Thompson, Vice President, Global Digital Solutions & Operations, Parsons Corporation (Moderator)
Nirav Ved, Data and Operations Manager, Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (Speaker)
Mike Arellano, Austin District Deputy District Engineer, Texas Department of Transportation (Speaker)
George Villarreal, Division Manager, AtkinsRéalis (Speaker)
Paul-Matthew Zamsky, Vice President of Strategic Growth & Global Partnerships, Rekor Systems (Speaker)
Emily Silverman, Program Director, Parsons Corporation (Speaker)
Jim Dale, Interim Deputy Director, Transportation & Public Works Department, City of Austin (Speaker)

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
Lone Star G

From Small Beginnings to Award-Winning: The Sacramento Story of Redefining Community Engagement in a Real Way

Join us for a panel conversation featuring the City of Sacramento's Community Engagement Manager, Senior Planner, Senior Economic Development Project Manager and Community Ambassadors, as they share invaluable insights from their experiences working with and in community. In this dynamic session, discover the driving force behind the award-winning program and the innovative approaches this team takes. This panel promises to unravel the secrets of bridging the divide between government and communities of color. Embark on a journey of learning as the panelists delve into the intricacies of fostering innovation, trust, and collaboration. Gain a deeper understanding of how the City is leading the nation in best practices. This isn't just about collecting surveys, translations, and checking the box; it's about creating a specific and intentional structure, where culture and diversity not only thrive but are valued and centered. Be inspired by the tangible results of a concerted effort to create more inclusive, vibrant, and sustainable communities. We explore the transformative power of an approach that values voices of community. This is more than a panel; it's an invitation to be part of a movement, shaping the future of community engagement. Come feel the SacVibe!

Lynette Hall, Community Engagement Manager, City of Sacramento (Moderator)
Elizabeth Boyd, Co-Lead of the Neighborhood Development Action Team, City of Sacramento (Speaker)
Mikel Davila, Co-Lead of the Neighborhood Development Action Team, City of Sacramento (Speaker)

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Lone Star F

Smart Cities-Smart Bases Innovation Challenge III and Winner Announcement

Presented by TechConnect, Advanced Technology International (ATI), and the RISE Consortium, the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Innovation Challenge delivers cutting-edge, dual-use technology pitches to address the overlapping technical, environmental, and security challenges facing both smart cities and smart bases. The winner of the Smart Cities - Smart Bases Challenge will be announced in this session!

AlumaPower Corporation (Innovator)
National Energy USA (Innovator)
Global Connective Center (Innovator)
Phoenix Waste Solutions, Inc. (Innovator)
Robb Reid, Chief Revenue Officer, Sourcewell (Review Panelist)
Scott Haase, Laboratory Program Manager, II-Partnership Development, NREL (Review Panelist)
Robert Davies, CEO, Stealth ISS (Review Panelist)
Michael Wu, Executive Director, RISE Consortium (Review Panelist)
Ruthbea Yesner, Vice President, Government Insights, Education, Smart Cities & Communities, IDC (Review Panelist)

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Griffin Hall

Expo Program and Reception

Thursday December 05, 2024

8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Lone Star Ballroom Lobby


9:00 AM - 9:55 AM
Room 303

An Ethical AI Research Showcase with UT Austin’s Good Systems

The University of Texas at Austin has declared 2024 'The Year of AI' with a research agenda focused on defining, evaluating, and building ethical human + AI systems. Good Systems is a research grand challenge at UT Austin that empowers more than 120 researchers across 31 departments to collaborate on interdisciplinary research designed to foster inclusion and advance responsible AI innovation. Researchers collaborate with partners in industry, nonprofit, and government leaders, including the City of Austin. Attendees will learn the latest insights from Good Systems researchers leading projects that explore critical areas within Ethical AI: racial equity, surveillance and privacy, information integrity, smart cities, living and working with robots, and smart hand tools and the future of work. Each project showcase will highlight research insights relevant to addressing critical issues facing city leaders today.

Dr. Sherri Greenberg, Assistant Dean for State and Local Government Engagement & Professor of Practice, LBJ School of Public Affairs, Past Chair of Good Systems, University of Texas at Austin (Moderator)
Dr. Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Professor, School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin (Speaker)
Dr. Sharon Strover, Philip G. Warner Regents Professor in Communication, The University of Texas at Austin (Speaker)
Dr. Chandra R. Bhat, Joe J. King Chair in Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (Speaker)
Dr. Junfeng Jiao, Associate Professor in the Community and Regional Planning Program, The University of Texas at Austin (Speaker)
Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Professor in Organizational Communication Technology, The University of Texas at Austin (Speaker)
Josephine ("Jo") Lukito, Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Austin (Speaker)

9:00 AM - 9:55 AM
Room 304

City Spotlights: Urban Operations and Infrastructure

This moderated panel of city leaders will focus on practical and specific lessons learned, successes and challenges, and the resulting best practices surrounding urban infrastructure.

Joyce Deuley, Strategic Project & Communications Specialist, Team b. Strategy (Moderator)
Jesse Bounds, Director of Innovation, City of Houston (Speaker)
Ryan Gillingham, Director of Public Works, City of McKinney (Speaker)
John Holden, Smart City Manager, City of Raleigh (Speaker)

9:00 AM - 9:55 AM
Lone Star G

Addressing Community Violence Through An "All Hearts On Deck" Approach

Lexington, KY has seen huge success in addressing community violence and we want to share our strategy with the world. Presentation on addressing community gun violence by using a holistic, local-centered, and cross-sector strategy that fosters unconventional partnerships in hopes of closing the gaps that our most vulnerable communities fall between. The old African proverb says it takes a village to raise a child. We believe that if it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to lose one. This panel of speakers would speak to how a coordinated crisis response plan for those affected by gun violence, coupled with a focus on addressing the root causes of community violence can not only save lives but create opportunities for our community's most vulnerable residents. The special sauce is in how we reimagine community partnerships. We call this plan "all hearts on deck"! City government, public safety, the courts, the public school system, the faith community, the business community, the nonprofit sector, dormer gang members and drivers of violence, survivors of gun violence, and youth, all work together to address this issue.

Devine Carama, One Lexington Director, City of Lexington (Moderator)
Tiffany Brown, Chief Equity and Implementation Officer, City of Lexington (Speaker)
Kenneth Payne, Crisis Response Coordinator, City of Lexington (Speaker)
Larry Johnson, Community Outreach Coordinator, City of Lexington (Speaker)

10:00 AM - 10:55 AM
Room 303

What to Do with All Your Data?

Join Opendatasoft as they lead a discussion on effective data practices in building smart cities. This session aims to provide an interactive experience where participants can solicit direct feedback on their current data practices and learn from experts and colleagues. The session will be guided to focus on the topics of working with open data to foster innovation, transparency, and citizen engagement in a Smart City. Learn from real world examples to see how you can implement a growth strategy for your community or organization. Adam Reiser, Director of North American Operations, will highlight best practices, challenges, and success stories in implementing open data strategies while providing direct and actionable feedback to participants. This discussion promises to be a platform for knowledge sharing, encouraging attendees to explore the necessity of data governance in shaping smarter, more sustainable cities. Join us for this insightful session and be part of the conversation on data in building the smart cities of the future.

Adam Reiser, North American Sales Director, Opendatasoft (Moderator)
Macarena Gonzalez-Fernandez, Client Success Manager, Opendatasoft (Speaker)

10:00 AM - 10:55 AM
Room 304

Data-Driven Cities – Leveraging AI and Informatics for Sustainable and Resilient Urban Futures

In the face of rapid urbanization and growing environmental challenges, cities are turning to data and artificial intelligence to craft innovative solutions for sustainability and resilience. This panel explores how advanced informatics, such as air quality data, are reshaping urban policy and planning, creating healthier, greener, and more equitable communities. We’ll hear from experts in both the public and private sectors about the opportunities and challenges of integrating technology into city operations and how partnerships between startups and municipalities can drive meaningful, lasting change. Today’s discussion aims to uncover actionable insights on using data and AI to inform better decisions, enhance urban well-being, and build sustainable futures for cities of all sizes.

Stephane Attal, Chief Revenue Officer, Ecosystem Informatics Inc. (Moderator)
Jason Cooley, Executive Director, Allen Community Development Corporation, City of Allen, TX (Speaker)
Umair Surani, Sr Account Executive, McKinstry (Speaker)

10:00 AM - 10:55 AM
Lone Star G

City Spotlights: Community Engagement

This panel will focus on practical and specific lessons learned in community engagement, successes and failures, and the resulting best practices used over the past years by these diverse and unique cities.

Devine Carama, One Lexington Director, City of Lexington (Speaker)
Kenneth Payne, Crisis Response Coordinator, City of Lexington (Moderator)
Troy Williams, Chief Equity Officer, City of Arlington (Speaker)
Elizabeth Boyd, Co-Lead of the Neighborhood Development Action Team, City of Sacramento (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:55 AM
Room 303

Smarter Cities, Better Lives: The Power of AI

Dive into the cutting edge of urban development as What Works Cities presents a panel discussion on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in shaping our cities of tomorrow. This session will explore how cities are leveraging AI to tackle pressing challenges and improve the lives of residents. Our panelists, experts in urban planning and AI technology, will discuss: The latest advancements in AI and their potential applications in city management. Real-world examples of cities successfully implementing AI solutions. Key considerations for ethical and responsible use of AI in urban environments. Opportunities and challenges in integrating AI into existing city infrastructure. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that will equip you with the knowledge to shape the future of your smart city. Objectives: 1.Showcase Innovative P3 Models: Present successful P3 examples that have integrated cutting-edge technologies and cyber protections into urban infrastructure, enhancing the quality of life for residents. 2. Foster Collaborative Solutions: Engage city leaders and innovators in discussions on how to implement and manage these new technology-driven P3s effectively. Key Topics: • Digital Infrastructure: The importance of robust data infrastructures. • Automation and Modernization: How automation and modern technologies can optimize urban services and infrastructure management. • Cybersecurity: Strategies for incorporating comprehensive cybersecurity measures into P3 projects to protect critical urban infrastructure. • Economic Efficiency: Exploring how P3s can be structured to minimize initial capital investments while ensuring long-term operational efficiency and sustainability.

Sravya Sukhavasi, Consultant Solutions Architect, Network Automation, Varidx (Moderator)
John Holden, Smart City Manager, City of Raleigh (Speaker)
Dr. Samudra Vijay, Co-Founder and CEO, Varidx (Speaker)
Kam Chumley-Soltani, Senior Solutions Engineering Manager, Cisco (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:55 AM
Lone Star G

AI for Good in Smart Cities

Join the panel of experts from public and private sectors in exploring how the integration of AI and data can revolutionize city management and community enrichment. With AI, citizens and leaders can be enabled to collect and analyze data more effectively, leading to smarter infrastructure, improved resource allocation and efficiency, and enhanced citizen services to enrich the local population. This will also spotlight an innovative project for the unhoused in San Antonio. Technology will unlock the creation of smarter, more resilient urban environments.

Jani McConnell, VP of Growth and Commercial Operations, (Moderator)
Nick Venezia, Founder and CEO, (Speaker)
David E. Marquez, Executive Director, Bexar County Economic and Community Development (Speaker)

11:00 AM - 11:55 AM
Room 304

CANCELLED: Breaking the Permitting Bottleneck: How Modern Digital Plan Review is Transforming Planning & Development in America's Fastest Growing Cities

This panel will explore how digital permitting platforms, like GreenLite City, are transforming urban development processes. City managers, chief information officers, and urban planners will hear from municipal leaders and technology experts about how digital solutions streamline workflows by 40X, reduce bottlenecks, and support community growth. The discussion will focus on: Cutting plan review times through digital transformation Reducing administrative burden in municipal building departments Enabling real-time collaboration across multiple disciplines and multiple agencies Enhancing transparency and communication with the public and developers Leveraging data and automation to inform smart city planning and decision-making Key Discussion Points: The Current Landscape of Municipal Permitting: Costly challenges cities face with traditional permitting processes (e.g., manual reviews, slow approval times, limited data insights). The Role of Technology in Urban Development: How digital tools are driving efficiency, transparency, and citizen engagement. Real-World Case Studies: Highlighting how municipalities have adopted digital permitting solutions to streamline workflows, reduce errors, and improve collaboration between departments Integrating Technology with Existing City Systems: How GreenLite City integrates with other smart city technologies and systems (e.g., "over the top", deploy with any workflow). The Future of Urban Development: Discussion on how smart cities can leverage AI, data analytics, and cloud-based tools to support sustainable urban growth. The transition from a reactive permitting and planning department to a proactive department that can inform broader policy

Madeleine Entine, Head of Post-Sales, GreenLite Technologies (Moderator)
Ben Allen, Co-Founder & Chief Business Development Officer, (Speaker)
Kyle Vansice, Co-Founder & CEO, Cedar (Speaker)
Chris Doherty, Fmr. Mayor, City of Scranton, Pennsylvania (Speaker)

12:10 PM - 2:30 PM
JW Marriott Lobby

Tour: A Smart City Living Lab

Join us on a walking tour of downtown Austin, featuring the Seaholm District, a 90-acre living lab which demonstrates Austin's commitment to sustainable urban living and contains green features that are good for the environment and people who, live, work or play here. We will visit City Hall, where transportation policies are made and learn about sustainable urban design, pedestrian activation, dockless mobility, shared e-mobility, and green streets along the way.

Bobby Godsey, EV Community Engagement Manager, Austin Energy (Moderator)
Amy Atchley, EV Equity Development Manager, Austin Energy (Speaker)
Marc Coudert, Climate Adaptation & Resilience Manager, City of Austin (Speaker)
Cameron Freberg, Manager, Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies, Austin Energy (Speaker)



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