Kevin Bush

Chief Resilience Officer

District of Columbia

As DC’s first Chief Resilience Officer, Bush lead a citywide effort to develop Resilient DC, a strategy to thrive in the face of change. Now, he leads efforts, within the Executive Office of the Mayor, to implement that strategy and prepare the nation’s capital for climate change, technological disruption, and a changing economy.

Bush has extensive experience building coalitions to design and execute award-winning resilience initiatives, including Rebuild by Design, the National Disaster Resilience Competition, and the Multifamily Better Buildings Challenge. He previously led efforts at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to plan for the impact of climate change.

Bush also served on President Obama’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force and at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. He has also been both a Presidential Management Fellow and City of Chicago Mayoral Fellow.

Bush is a widely recognized expert in urban resilience, climate change mitigation and adaptation, disaster recovery, affordable housing, and infrastructure. Bush holds a Masters of Urban Planning from the University of Michigan and a Bachelors of Arts in Business from Michigan State University.